Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS carries out basic research and applied work that are aimed at solution of priority scientific problems which contribute to development of Siberia and Russian Federation as a whole according to the Institute main fields of research work:
- sedimentary basins: mechanisms of origination and structural features; theory of naphthidogenesis;
- internal structure of the Earth, its geophysical fields, current geodynamic processes; seismology;
- global and regional stratigraphy; biogeochronology; typification of ecosystem changes/ ecosystem reconstructions in Proterozoic-Phanerozoic history of sedimentary basins;
- deposits of hydrocarbons and coals, patterns of their distribution; major strategic objectives of development of fuel and energy complex;
- geophysical and geochemical methods of deposit exploration and fulfilling special tasks: theory, technologies, information-control systems and instruments.
In the context of main fields of scientific work the Institute carries out investigations in following areas:
- problems of oil and gas: naphthidogenesis and its evolution in history of the Earth, global and regional regularities of oil and gas fields disposition; organic geochemistry;
- comprehensive study of sedimentary basins: structure, evolution and chronology of biotas in Precambrian and Phanerozoe basins as a basis for biosphere development regularity reveal, elaboration of non-uniform stratigfaphic scales and methods of oil-and-gas bearing basins abyssal stratigraphy;
- regional platform area tectonics, sedimentology, geothermal condition;
- mineral-charge problems of geoeconomics and combustible mineral wealth search and prospecting: estimation of oil, gas and coal resource in Russian Federation, forecast of Siberian oil and gas system, its role in fuel and energy complex of Russia; theory and new technologies of oil and gas field forecast, search and exploring;
- resources, dynamics and groundwater conservation: geological evolution of water-rock-organic matter system in sedimentary basins of Siberia; gidrogeology;
- abyssal structure of lithosphere, seismicity character, modern geodynamics, process interaction in Earth covers;
- development of exploration geophysics and geochemistry theory;
- multi-wave seismic research of microheterogeneous and fluid-saturated media;
- petrophysics;
- geophysical monitoring of natural and man-caused objects and processes;
- high-precision gravimetric, tiltmetric and geodesic measurements;
- elecrtodynamic processes in geological media;
- engineering geology and geophysics, geophysical research in boreholes;
- physical principles of introscopy wave methods;
- substantial and elemental analysis methods, scientific and engineering development of geophysical, geochemical, ecological, informative and measuring systems and gear;
- theory, methods, apparatus and programme means for solution of specific problems.