
Here is what is new on elpub, the online resource dedicated to European Electronic Publishing initiatives, what is going on and who is participating:

  1. Why not join the Creative Community? A new community has been opened for the creative author and artist to express their views concerning the current state, and future, of creativity in the digital age.
    Let your opinion be heard...
    LINK: http://comm.excite.com/comm/area/pw/welcome/main.asp?cid=.Fx-ctanxyYR&auth=

  2. Read, download or order a series of documents, written by experts, designed to identify key issues facing the research and technology development community in the coming 5 years. These meetings, organised on behalf of DGXIII/E, serve as a valuable independent statement of the needs and expectations of key actors in the European interactive media sector.
    LINK: http://www.elpub.org/html/wkshop_98.html

  3. Consult the workshop report of the "Digital Libraries Expert Meeting" sponsored by DGXIII/E1. The main objective of the meeting was to brief participants on progress in developing the 5th Framework Programme, with a focus on the IST component of the Programme, and in particular on the Interactive Electronic Publishing key action "Multimedia Content and Tools".
    LINK: http://www.elpub.org/html/diglib.html

  4. Consult the Delegates` Information pack from the "Creativity Meeting". The main goals of this workshop, sponsored by DGXIII/E1, was to inform content creators about the call for proposals that has opened in the Electronic Publishing area of Multimedia Content & Tools. A meeting report will be available shortly.
    LINK: http://www.elpub.org/html/crt.html

  5. Version 4.0 of the EP Directory has been updated with new profiles received subsequent to publication of Version 3.0 on the 13th April. It contains details of individuals and organisations who are potentially interested in participating in projects in the area of Multimedia Content & Tools, and Electronic Publishing.
    LINK: http://www.elpub.org/html/directory.html